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Use Sawayo Read&Sign in your company now!

Arrange conversation

Signatures now go simply and digitally

Try Sawayo Read&Sign in your company as well

Return on investment
21 minutes
Time savings per employee per month
6,73 €
Benefit per employee*
and month


Create documents

within 3 min. without prior knowledge.


Select Emfänger

whether internal employees or external via e-mail.



with one click incl. automated reminders.

Clever signing with Read&Sign.

1. audit-proof information flow
through complete signature lists and histories
2. return control & deadline monitoring:
With Sawayo, information flows no longer take days, but minutes. Automation eliminates administrative overhead.
3. automated notifications
: Recipients are notified about new documents and reminded about deadlines

What else we do:

You want to learn more?

Book a call with one of our product experts and learn how Sawayo can make your job easier - or just get started for free.